Radiation Monitor Calibration
The HTSL Calibration Facility is home to our specialist team of service and calibration technicians who are highly experienced in calibrating and repairing Radiation Protection Instrumentation (RPI) and Gas Detection Instrumentation (GDI) for customers across the UK. The service offers a prompt and reliable response with a rapid turnaround to all customers and complements our on-site calibration and maintenance service. The service is backed up by a solid quality management system and uses sources and gases traceable to national or international standards.
All work is performed by Suitably Qualified & Experienced Persons (SQEP) and calibration certificates are checked and verified by a team of experienced Qualified Persons (QPs). HTSL meets the statutory requirements of the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 and follow the guidance given in National Measurement Good Practice Guide (GPG) No. 14; “The Examination, Testing, & Calibration of Portable Radiation Protection Instruments” (GPG14) and related GPGs.
We deliver a cost-effective and comprehensive service including Periodic Tests, Tests before First Use, full instrumentation checks, repairs and adjustments and Retests after Repair, on instruments from all the major RPI suppliers to the UK nuclear industry. Repairs are only carried out after your acceptance of our written quotation.
All work is carried out to a comprehensive set of maintenance and test procedures designed and approved by one of the experienced QPs.
Calibrations can be scheduled to ensure customers retain sufficient stock of RPI for on-going operations.
All RCS activities meet the requirements of quality management system BS EN ISO 9001:2015
The facility is accredited to BS EN ISO 17025:2017 as UKAS calibration laboratory 29561.

Gas Detectors and Monitors
HTSL offer a full calibration and maintenance service for a wide variety of personal and installed area gas detectors. We offer an extensive range of certified gases to suit your requirements and all calibrations are performed in accordance with the equipment manufacturer procedures.
Using our established repair workshops and strong supplier relationships we offer a full range of repairs and replacement parts where required. We also have a portfolio of gas detection monitors for purchase and hire to suit your needs, these range from single gas monitors to 6 sensor area monitors. All of which can be provided with the relevant sensor types to detect the gases you need them too. These units can also be integrated into a cloud based system for live feed data logging.
Gamma Dose Rate
We can calibrate instruments against the operational quantities air kerma rate, ambient dose equivalent (H*(10)) and personal dose equivalent (Hp(10)). Instruments include installed and portable gamma dose rate meters and monitors, and personal electronic dosemeters (PEDs). The facility has two purpose built radiation cells for the calibration of dose rate monitors; one of these cells is specifically designed to calibrate PEDs in accordance with the GPG No. 113, with the capacity to irradiate in excess of 70 dosemeters simultaneously.
Supply of Consumables
HTSL can supply an extensive range of consumables for both portable and installed instruments. Most of these parts are held in stock, so will be dispatched within days of a request. We manufacture scintillation probe windows and coaxial cables which have proved popular, where the HTSL can offer compatible replacements for the complete range of Thermo-type scintillation and GM probes. For some of the windows we can refoil the old frame, therefore minimising waste generation. More specialist consumables, such as FH40G cables and gas flow probe cables are also available on request.
Surface Contamination Monitors
We have a range of large-area alpha, beta and photon emitting sources for the calibration of surface contamination monitors over a wide range of energies. The source surface emission rates or activities are traceable to national or international standards. In addition, the point sources can be used to test the identification capabilities of spectrometric instruments.
Air Samplers and Monitors
We can calibrate the flow meters on air samplers and air monitors against a flow rate standard, which is traceable to national standards. In addition RCS own a range of test sources which are suitable to calibrate the radiation detector in air monitors. All testing is undertaken in accordance with GPG No.82. We also can calibrate gas monitors, such as CO2 in air monitors, over their full operational range.
Instrument Repairs
We have experienced staff and a well equipped repair workshops backed up with manuals and stock of key spares from all major UK suppliers of RPI to minimise turn-around times for faulty or damaged instruments. Repair work is only undertaken after you have accepted our written quotation. The instrument is then fully checked and calibrated prior to being returned for use.
Type Testing
HTSL offer Radiological evaluation and Type Testing service, for installed and portable radiation protection instruments (RPI) . Instrument performance is compared with the requirements of international standard and/or British standards where one exists. Typical contamination monitor evaluations include testing over a range of alpha and beta radiation energies, and uniformity of response.
Installed Instrumentation
If your instruments are not transportable, HTSL has a team of SQEP engineers, which can visit your site to undertake maintenance and calibration. Where HTSL use their own sources or gasses these will also be traceable to national standards.
Radioactive Sealed Sources
We also utilise our traceable sources to calibrate customer’s calibration sources. We can calibrate both planar sources in terms of the quantity surface emission rate, and point sources in terms of Activity.